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Veterinary Acupuncture
and Rehabilitation services in your Home!

Canine and feline rehabilitation is a specialized field within veterinary medicine that focuses on enhancing the quality of life for pets through targeted exercise programs and therapeutic techniques. These methods help to reduce pain, increase mobility and fitness, restore functionality, and ultimately improve the overall well-being of animals. This specialty thrives on the collaboration between certified rehabilitation therapists, dedicated pet owners, and their cherished companions. Much like human physical therapy, animal rehabilitation employs similar approaches and tools to achieve its goals. 

Veterinary acupuncture is a therapeutic technique that involves inserting fine needles into specific points on an animal’s body to help alleviate pain, promote healing, and restore balance. It’s based on the same principles as traditional Chinese acupuncture, which views the body as having a network of energy pathways, or meridians, and seeks to balance the flow of energy, or Qi (pronounced “chee”), to improve health and well-being.

Therapies/Modalities Offered:

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